Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oncidium splendidum spike

I've tried growing a few Oncidium species.  I killed two O. lanceanum (which has been moved to a new genus), two O. ornithorhynchum (and two related hybrids) which I may try yet again mounted or in a basket, and O. leucochilum (which was a terrific plant I would like to try again). 

I finally have an Oncidium doing well, O. splendidum, that I've been growing in a basket.  The first new growth grew over the summer.  It was much larger than the previous growth (always a good sign) and I was pleasantly surprised to see this spike the other day.  Looking forward to the flowers.


  1. I have two in Sonoma, both in spike. I love how tall they get and the large and long lasting flowers.

    Last winter I had a one-night heater failure and it caused all the buds to blast so the spikes this year are exciting.

  2. It does seem like a impressive plant. No wonder the species name is splendidum!
